About Us
Pastors Jimmy and Pastor Angela Rocha
I was born and raised in beautiful Pomona, California and I got saved in 1995.
I was a homeless addict living in the park eating Cheerios out of a while residing in a cardboard box. I was on parole had no life, no hope, and no destiny; just me and the drug--a prime candidate for the love of Christ! Then God sent a messenger, a man who saved my life! He came to share the love of Jesus with me. I rejected the message but in the lonely, weary hours of the morning, I remembered he told me about a ranch. I did not know the church had a program, a "Men's Home." I had already been exposed to other programs such as 12 step, mental health, Methadone, ect...nothing ever worked for me. I always returned to my addiction.
But I thought it might be a good way to get the parole agent off my back, so I went to this ranch and I detoxed the drugs and began to listen to the others speak of Jesus. I had never been in a Christian home, so the language of a Christian seemed foreign to me.
My parole agent came up to visit me at the ranch and she made me stay there. This was not the plan I had; I wanted to return to prison, not be a Christian. But one day while at the ranch after the daily devotion the pastor asked to pray for me I said, "sure why not, can't hurt." The pastor prayed for that God would reveal Himself to me.
Approximately three nights later, while in my sleep, the presence of the Lord was in my room. The Lord called me and raised me out of my sleep and spoke to me, He said "Follow Me," that was all it took! I believe He divinely spoke me because prior to this I was doubting. I truly had been born again! He filled me with His Holy Spirit and I was never the same again, from that day to the very present,
My chains were gone and I been set free, My God had delivered me! I nine months on the ranch. God got a hold of me and started to use me and He began to reveal his word to me. Then I was sent to the next phase of the program living at the church doing blessings. After a couple of months, a door was opened and I went to work. I met my beautiful wife, Angela, at church and we got married in 1996.
Then Eddie called me and asked me to pray and talk to my family about leaving my job and moving into a large house and become the Director of the Men's Discipleship home. That's when my journey of full-time ministry began I have been on staff ever since. Director of Men's Discipleship home from 2000 until 2004, then worked the Re-entry phase of the program 2004-2009. The Men's Home was at my place of residence. During this time I also began pastor training "MIP" (ministerial program) in 2003 through 2005. I completed the "MIP" in 2006 and received my Exhorter license from the Church of God. In June of I was ordained as a licensed minister with the Church of God.
My wife and I are privileged to serve in many of the church. We labor together for the glory of God. I was the Associate Pastor at the Southern California Dream Center from 2004 through 2012. On March 4, the Lord opened the door for me to leave The Dream Center, my home for over 17 years, with the Blessing of Senior Pastor Eddie Banales. I was given the blessed opportunity to become the Pastor of Liberty Temple in the city of Arleta...to God be the Glory.
God Bless
Pastor Jimmy Rocha
My Name is Pastor Angela Rocha a licensed Ordained Minister under the Church of God , married to Senior Pastor Jimmy Rocha I have 3 children and 9 beautiful grandchildren God has truly blessed me with, I was saved in 1994 my testimony and how I came to God, unfortunately, was due to the death of my beautiful sister Cindy that was one year older than me, I was a very broken women from physical and mental abuse and my sister was like a mom to me who would pray and tell me I need to get right and let God help me, I raised my hand after her death and surrendered my life over to Jesus I have been walking with God ever since and have not turned back, got married to Pastor Jimmy as we learned together the gospel walking together hand and hand in Ministry, my love and passion is to teach and preach the gospel and to bring hope to the broken Women to save the lost and to bring back that lost sheep to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, God is truly faithful and has seen me through many storms of life that I may give back that hope and promises he gives us in his word. Serving God is an honor, a humbled servant is who I am.
Teaching Women how to lace up their "Boots "
God Be with You
Pastor Angela Rocha
Monday - Friday
10:00 to 3:00